There are 7 boys on a soccer team. Each boy has a different position, jersey number, and height. Find out each person's height, position, and number.

1. Justin is the goalie
2. The right forward is #10
3. The goalie is 6' 4''
4. Joe is 6' 1''
5. Ryan is right forward
6. The person next to Ryan is #14
7. The person who is 6' 4'' is #16
8. #10 is 5' 8''
9. The left forward is #15
10. Brad is right defense
11. Brendan is #20
12. Michael is 7' 1''
13. Miguel is #6
14. Michael is left forward
15. #42 is right defense
16. Brad is 6' 2''
17. #6 is center defense
18. #15 is 7' 1''
19. #20 is 6' 7''
20. Miguel is 5' 10''
21. #14 is 6' 1''
22. The person who is 6' 7'' is left defense
23. Joe is center forward

(Contributed by Michael B and Brendan D, Grade 5, Edgar Allan Poe School)



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