How many minutes is it before 12 noon if 68 minutes ago it  was three times as many minutes past 10 a.m.
Lets break down the question.
How many minutes is it
We have to find an unknown amount of minutes. Lets call this x.
before 12 noon
Now we have our first time, which is x minutes before 12.
if 68 minutes ago it was
There is a second time, which is 68 minutes earlier than the first time.
three times as many minutes
Three times as many as what? This could refer to the original x minutes, or the 68 minutes just mentioned. It doesn't make sense to me to use 68, which mean this refers to 3x minutes.
past 10 a.m.?
Our second time is 3x minutes past 10.
To make an equation I will use 10 am as a base time. From 10 am to the first time there are 120x minutes. From 10 am to the second time there are 3x minutes, then another 68 minutes to the second time for 3x+68 minutes.


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