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mathematical puzzles

1 + 1 = arrow 5 + 5 = square peg in round hole 6 + 6 = eye 8 + 8 = eight

Question to Guess this riddle, I am a word of 5 letters.

Question to Guess this riddle, I am a word of 5 letters. Answer to Guess this riddle, I am a word of 5 letters. Solve dis riddle: I am a word of five letters! People eat me! I am available in 2 colours If u remove my 1 letter i will be a form of crime If u remove my first 2 letters i will be name of animal If u remove my first 4.  letters i m vowel Answer if u r mastermind! Ans:_________ GRAPE

Solve Dis Riddles

Solve Dis Riddles 1 What is white when it is dirty and black when it is clean ? 2 Which Table has no legs ? 3 Which ring is square ? 4 Which has an eye but no head ? 5 What stays hot in a refrigerator ? Ans : _______ ? ? ? Copy between the lines to paste and share in Whatsapp ---------------------------------------------------- Can you solve these 5 riddles 1⃣ What is white when it is dirty and black when it is clean❓ 2⃣Which Table has no legs❓ 3⃣Which ring is square❓ 4⃣Which has an eye but no head❓ 5⃣What stays hot in a refrigerator❓ Ans : _______ ❓❓❓ ----------------------------------------------------  Answer 1. Black Board / Slate 2. Time Table 3. Boxing Ring 4. Needle 5. Pepper
What is a number, when divided by 10 leaves a remainder 9, when divided by 9 leaves a remainder 8, when divided by 8 then leaves a remainder 7, and similarly till 1 ? Answer :  2519
Whatsapp Puzzle Game Quiz  2  : Crack the Code  Crack the code :  6 1 4 - One Number is correct but wrong place 6 8 2 - One Number is correct and well placed 2 0 6 - Two Numbers are correct but Wrong Places 8 7 0 - One Number is correct but wrong place 7 3 8 - Nothing is correct Answer  : Code is 042
1 is 3. 3 is 5. 5 is 4. 4 is 4. What is 7? Solution: 7 is 5. Because "seven" has 5 letters.
There are 7 boys on a soccer team. Each boy has a different position, jersey number, and height. Find out each person's height, position, and number. 1. Justin is the goalie 2. The right forward is #10 3. The goalie is 6' 4'' 4. Joe is 6' 1'' 5. Ryan is right forward 6. The person next to Ryan is #14 7. The person who is 6' 4'' is #16 8. #10 is 5' 8'' 9. The left forward is #15 10. Brad is right defense 11. Brendan is #20 12. Michael is 7' 1'' 13. Miguel is #6 14. Michael is left forward 15. #42 is right defense 16. Brad is 6' 2'' 17. #6 is center defense 18. #15 is 7' 1'' 19. #20 is 6' 7'' 20. Miguel is 5' 10'' 21. #14 is 6' 1'' 22. The person who is 6' 7'' is left defense 23. Joe is center forward (Contributed by Michael B and Brendan D, Grade 5, Edgar Allan Poe School) Solution: Hank: pear apple cherry rose Sam: cherry onion ros
Einstein Puzzles Gardens Puzzle The Puzzle: Five friends have their gardens next to one another, where they grow three kinds of crops: fruits (apple, pear, nut, cherry), vegetables (carrot, parsley, gourd, onion) and flowers (aster, rose, tulip, lily). 1. They grow 12 different varieties. 2. Everybody grows exactly 4 different varieties 3. Each variety is at least in one garden. 4. Only one variety is in 4 gardens. 5. Only in one garden are all 3 kinds of crops. 6. Only in one garden are all 4 varieties of one kind of crops. 7. Pear is only in the two border gardens. 8. Paul's garden is in the middle with no lily. 9. Aster grower doesn't grow vegetables. 10. Rose growers don't grow parsley. 11. Nuts grower has also gourd and parsley. 12. In the first garden are apples and cherries. 13. Only in two gardens are cherries. 14. Sam has onions and cherries. 15. Luke grows exactly two kinds of fruit. 16. Tulip is only in two gardens. 17. Apple is in a single garden. 18.
mathematical puzzles Archive
Change one letter only in each of the words below to produce a familiar phrase. AND FEEL SO TIE WIRE  ADD FUEL TO THE FIRE
 Which word in brackets is most opposite to the word in capitals? SLEEK (sordid, unimaginative, disorderly, dishevelled, oblique) dishevelled
Find five consecutive numbers below that total 23. 6 2 9 3 4 7 2 9 3 2 6 4 9 1 2 72932
Identify two words (one from each set of brackets) that have a connection (analogy) with the words in capitals and relate to them in the same way. FIRST (second, next, last) PENULTImATE (last, third, previous) second, last; 
Which number is the odd one out? 9654 4832 5945 7642 7963 8216 3649 3649: in all the others multiply the first two digits together to produce the number formed by the last two digits
aplomb, dodge, graph, jerk, ? What comes next? laugh, maroon, link, nickel, midnigh maroon: the letters start and finish with the alphabetic sequence: ABcDEfGHiJKlmN;
The cost of an identical three­course lunch for four people was £56.00. The main course cost twice as much as the sweet and the sweet cost twice as much as the starter. How much did the main course cost per person? £8.00 per person: starter = 1 unit, sweet = 2 units, main course = 4 units, = 7 units in total. Therefore, cost per unit = £56 ÷ 7 = £8.00. The main course, therefore, cost 4 × 8 = 32 (or £8.00 per person);
Which word in brackets is most opposite in meaning to the word in capitals? PLAUSIBLE (appropriate, improbable, clichéd, artificial, distasteful improbable 
Using the five letters below only, create a nine­letter word . LOPER PROPELLER
?  What number should replace the question mark 16, 23 , 19, 19,  22, 15,  25, ? 11: there are two alternate sequences: +3 and –4;
? Which family do you think is likely to have a girl  You along with your friend are standing in front of two houses. Each of those houses inhabits a family with two children. Your friend tells you the below two facts: 1) On your left is a family that has a boy who likes accounts but the other child loves science. 2) On the right is a family with a seven year old boy and a new born baby. You ask him, “Does either of the family have a girl?” To this he replies, “I am not quite sure. But can you guess that? If you are right, I will give you $200.” ? Which family do you think is likely to have a girl  This is a poorly stated problem.  The existing answer makes assumptions that aren’t stated, which result in the conclusion that the information about which child is older is relevant.  It’s not. Let’s look at the problem another way.  In the house on the left, we have: Accounts / Science Boy Boy Boy Girl In the house on the right we have: Younger / Older Girl Boy B
You’re on a game show, and you’re given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what’s behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, “Do you want to pick door No. 2?” Is it to your advantage to  ? switch your choice ? With you switch or stay with your door answer SWITCHING will be more advantageous, Switching will make winning probability to 2/3 and staying will have probability 1/3 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Assume that you always start by picking Door #1, and the host then always shows you some other door which does  not  contain the car, and you then always switch to the remaining door.If the car is behind Door #1, then after you pick Door #1, the host will open another door (either #2 or #3), and you will then switch to the remaining door (either #3 or #2), th
What number should replace the question mark?  78214 : 292  38421 : 459  69517 : ? 586:answer  69 + 517 = 586;
A man has 53 socks in his drawer: 21 identical blue, 15 identical black and 17 identical red. The lights are fused and he is completely in the dark. How many socks must he take out to make 100 per cent certain he has a pair of black socks? 40 socks. If he takes out 38 socks, although it is very unlikely, it is possible they could all be blue and red. To make 100 per cent certain that he also has a pair of black socks he must take out a further two socks;
SUNDAY    MONDAY             TUESDAY     WEDNESDAY    THURSDAY         FRIDAY SATURDAY     Which day comes three days before the day that comes two days after the day that comes two days after the day that comes three days before Wednesday? answer   MONDAY;
If today is Tuesday, then what day will come after 3 days from today? Tues. + 3 = Fri. The day after Friday is Saturday.   Saturday . (but today is actually Saturday Sat. + 3 = Tues. The day after Tuesday is Wednesday.) Annnnnnd technically. Everyday comes after every otherday. so. Monday Tuersday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday….could also be an answer.
Which word’s letters can you rearrange more than 2 times to describe yourself? There can be a lot of answers. For the word's letters  live  I rearrange two times. 1.Evil. 2.Vile For the word's letters  Wider .I rearrange two times. 1.Weird . 2.Wired.
?What is the correct answer and the explanation ?Aptitude: complete the series? 4,11,22,44 88 11-4 =7 =22-(11+4) 22-11=11=44-(22+11) 44-22=22=x-(22+44) =>x=88 General rule-----(N+1)th term -Nth term=(N+2)th term-(Nth term + (N+1)th term)
What is  correct answer?   Simple, $100. Consider this: if you asked the question, but the person who bought the $70 item was a different person with a different $100 bill, then that would be quite obviously irrelevant. So the question is, what difference does it make if the lady buys something or someone else does? And the answer is none, he sold an item and received money for it. That is independent of the earlier theft. EDIT: Here’s an even better answer: What does the question mean by “How much did the owner lose?” I would argue, that since the owner was just robbed, the “loss” is how much was stolen, not anything to do with profit and loss, or cost of goods sold or anything like that. So at the end of the day, he counts up his money and finds that the till is short. How much money is missing? $100.
Can you solve this: 4+4=20, 5+5=30 so how much is 6+6=? Here, the plus sign is used to denote some random operation, not really addition. In our world, we can see that this operation is adding the square of a number to the number itself. We can verify this 4^2+4=16+4=20 5^2+5=25+5=30 6^2+6=36+6=42 Therefore, 6+6=42
What is the next letter in the sequence, Y, B, W, D, U, F? S - It is based on every other combination of the letters of the alphabet coupled from the end and the beginning. Z,A and X,C, and V,E are omitted - T,G should be, so the next combo shown is S,H. To keep awake driving late at night much earlier in life I learned to say the alphabet backwards in my head and then alternately like this from the ends in and the middle out, so I recognized this quickly.
How will Y lose the game  ? X and Y are playing a game. There are eleven coins on the table and each player must pick up at least one coin but not more than five in a turn. The person picking up the last coin loses. X starts. How many should X pick up to start to ensure a win no matter what strategy Y employs   N X picks 4. Y picks  N N  coins. X removes  6 − N 6 − N  coins. There is now 1 coin on the table because we removed  4 + N + 6 − N = 10 4 + N + 6 − N = 10 . Generalization. There are  K K  coins on the table and one player can pick as many as M coins at once. Case 1: M >= K. This is trivial. Player 1 picks  K − 1 K − 1  coins, leaving 1 coin and wins. Case 2.1: M < K M < K  and  K ≢ 1 ( mod   ( M + 1 ) ) K ≢ 1 ( mod   ( M + 1 ) ) player 1 picks  P P  coins in such a way that  ( K − P ) = K 1 ≡ 1 ( mod   ( M + 1 ) ) ( K − P ) = K 1 ≡ 1 ( mod   ( M + 1 ) ) player 2 picks  N N  coins ( N < M N < M ). Player 1 picks  M + 1 − N M + 1 − N  coins leavin